AskKuber Mobile Portfolio


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Ask Kuber portfolio tracker application provides advance views to evaluate your investment decisions:Compare portfolio annualized returns against benchmark nifty annualized returns for various time periods.Know how your stocks performed over the different time frames.
Share your portfolio in read only mode, with others (Friends, Professionals like Tax consultants, Financial Advisors etc) for expert advice.
Wish to see if your current holdings are able to give better returns then previous stocks you owned.
Do you have to wait till year end for tax planning. Tax information will be available any time for you.
Impact of economic policy decisions on your portfolio might depend on Sectors Allocation of your investments.
Find your portfolio Monthly Report email alert of your portfolio that allows you to compare your portfolio movement with indexes, transactions summary, stock performance and stock advice over the month.
Find Weekly Report email alert of your portfolio that allows you to compare your portfolio movement with indexes, transactions history, stock performance, upcoming corporate actions, interest detail for deposit, maturity detail for deposit & latest updates/news about the company over a week.
Export all transactions history, investment summary, profit/loss summary, tax detail year wise or company wise, monthly & weekly report Data in (PDF/Csv/Excel)
Manage various types of Deposits like Fixed Deposit, Recurring Deposit, Corporate Bonds, NSC, Kisan Vikas Patra etc.
No need to track Bonus/Split or Dividend and your portfolio will be always up to date under Corporate Actions.
Do you know how much dividend received this year? If not then Dividend page might be helpful.
If you are worrying how to load old transaction from other portfolio or brokerage account, our Upload Transactions facility will be handy for you.
If you are buying at high and selling at low, then view your transactions at price chart on Company Summary page.
If you dont have much time to follow market then Stock Alerts will be of tremendous value.
Before adding new stock in your portfolio verify it through Ask Kuber Agni Pariksha!